Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fish, Fitness, & Oatmeal, oh my.

My co-workers are in fits because I have been eating so much tuna around the office. I apologize for the fishy smell, but with my fitness competition just 15 days or so away, I can't eat much of anything but tuna and chicken breast. At least with tuna I can buy the flavored ones. I'm partial to lemon-pepper and sweet&sour right now. :)

So I apologize for the sea-scented office, but hopefully it will help me do better in my competition. I am competing in my first national competition in Las Vegas, NV at Fitness America November 19th in the Miss Bikini division. I have previously competed in Fitness New Mexico and the OCB Natural Bodybuilding competion this past July. I am so excited for my 1st national show. I'm going to start trying to post some healthy recipes and workout ideas on my blog because my facebook seems to be getting hit with many messages from friends asking how to eat healthier and lose weight. I love those messages and love responding to each of them, but I thought keeping my blog updated would be helpful to all of you looking for information on nutrition and fitness!

A recipe I just recently tried were for protein pancakes, they are a delicious and healthy twist on a morning favorite.

  • 1/8 tsp of baking soda & 1/8tsp of baking powder
  • a teeny drop or two of vanilla
  • stevia sweetner(all natural, I use 1-2 packets for 2 pancakes)
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • Dash of Cinnamon (cinnamon is a vital part of diet for health and to boost metabolism, also tastes amazing in everything from oatmeal to coffee to lattes to pancakes!)
  • a splash of vanilla almond milk (don't add much, it makes them runny)
    1 whole egg
  • 3-4 egg whites

Voila! You make them as you would normal pancakes. Don't light them on fire like I did the 1st time! ;) You can eat them right away with a sugar-free or low-calorie syrup or just squeeze on a little agave nectar like I do. I like to save them in a ziploc in the fridge overnight and heat them up for 30 seconds in the microwave in the morning. It's a great idea for a grab-and-go breakfast and you can be sure they will get your metabolism going and fuel your morning in a healthy way!

What other ideas do you all have for breakfast? Do you eat breakfast at all?

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