Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Not really about Ed Hardy, Prada, or highlights.

Why do we lie to each other in the places where a lie shouldn't ever be passed through lips? Why do we lie to each other at all?

We honestly should be ashamed of ourselves. People who consider themselves to be a follower of Jesus Christ but never feel the desire to truly love someone for who they are, in spite of their flaws, in spite of their financial situation, family, reputation, struggles, etc.

How can we be so cold? No, maybe they don't wear true religion jeans, carry a prada bag, have touched-up highlights, or have squeezed into an overrated ed hardy t-shirt that costs enough to feed the hungry children of the world for years of their life...does that mean that Jesus doesn't hurt for them? Does that mean that His all-mighty loving heart doesn't beat for them? bleed for them?

Then why doesn't our "christian" heart beat at all?

How can we turn the other cheek and look the other way when we see someone alone in a place they should never be alone? in a world with so much hurt that this could be the last day they choose to live? and we, a generation who claims to love Christ cannot see past our own proud and selfish desires?

How is it possible we let our friendships that were once so strong with these people simply slip away and never ask them about their lives ever again? Was Jesus really a small talker?

"hi how are you i like your shirt/earrings/shoes/haircut yeah awesome i'm doing fine. bye."

Life is not a game to see how truly fake we can be.
If we serve in ministry, we love people and care about the details of their lives. We invest our time and energies into people even if we don't get along with them or necessarily agree with everything they say. Jesus constantly walked the streets with the "worst of sinners." The people who the rest of the world pointed at and laughed at and deemed untouchable.

I see more christians pointing fingers these days than holding hands and saying, "I will walk with you."
The guilt is on my hands as well. I am not exempt/perfect/on a self-righteous tangent.
But I can see. and i can share. because I have been the victim and the pointer.

I find it absolutely disgusting. May God save our wretched idealistic it's all about me attitudes. May he somehow redeem our hearts to begin to beat again for the lost and not just for somebody who is beautiful or looks just like us.

May we begin to care about the things that matter in this lifetime which doesn't include money, our reputations, our social standing, our cars and clothes and jewelry. May God burn the ME ME ME from our eyes in order that we may clearly see people hurting and us doing nothing to give them hope. may we recognize those we have hurt and apologize, get on our hands and knees and beg for forgiveness for being lousy witnesses for Jesus Christ's perfect and unashamed love. I'm tired of my own smooth knees; i think it's time to get on my knees and rough 'em up a bit in prayer.
Lord, have mercy on us for choosing to ignore your voice and allowing our voices to selfishly muffle yours.
Speak to your children Oh Father God for some of us are listening.

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