Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The beauty in "can."

Remember when you were little and someone told you that you "couldn't" or "shouldn't" do something? Didn't that make you want to do it all the more? As I prepare to fly out to Vegas tonight for my fitness competition at Fitness America, I am reflecting on all the couldn'ts and shouldn'ts that have been thrown my way over the years...

To put it simply, and it may sound cliche, you CAN do anything you put your mind to. It's all in your mind. People fear what they "can't do" when in reality they CAN, they just let their fear control their entire existence. Trust me when I say, I don't walk across that stage in a bezazzled bikini fearless. I do it because I know the work I have put in: sweat, tears, caffiene withdrawals, sleepless nights, mind-numbing amounts of tilapia and celery later...I step a toe on that stage because I know beauty isn't just an outwardly thing- I know it lies within my heart and in the heart of so many of my dear friends who are my fellow competitors. I don't go in expecting anything...medals, glory, trophies, accolades...I go in expecting to give it my all. For that my friends, is how you play the game.

You give it your all while all the naysayers and people who feel it is their place in life to question your diet, your lifestyle, your motives, your exercise plan...let them stay on the side where the naysayers don't hear their criticism anyhow...because all that is in your ears is the roar of the crowd and the beauty that beats within your chest. And no, it's not that bikini that makes you beautiful, or those clear's what you do in life to make a difference that counts.

Make it beautiful. Treat others kindly. Love people. Love those who continue to tell you that you can't. They'll come around, and if they don't...they were never your friends to begin with. I'm off to Vegas now to shine a light in a city of unending lights. Thank you all for your support and love and care through this whole training...I will be thinking of you as I stand on the stage! I will hear your positive voices and encouragement in my ears. Those of you who have stood by me, you know who you are. And I love you for it.

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